

How to plant Bananas In Kabale

   How to establish a banana plantation in kigezi region. 

We are going to share about how to establish a banana plantation in the Kigezi region. 

In Kabale bananas are planted by use of suckers. 

In this article we are going to talk about different things like.

 1. How to dig holes where to plant suckers. 

 2. How to play manure.

 3. How to prepare the sucker.

 4. How to cover the sucker .

How to dig a hole for planting. 

A hole for a banana sucker is established in a distance of 2 m from one banana plant to another. Even if you are gup feeling in a banana plantation which has already been established you have to make sure the distance between young banana for the hole you are going to create should be 2 meters away from the other banana plants.

 There are very few reasons why a banana should be blessed 2 m from the other. Things like amount of rain in an area, amount of manure and soil fertility I put into consideration. Because Kabale is a cold region and there is a good amount of rain even the soil fertility is not too bad it is recommended to have a 2 m spacing from one banana to another.

A banana plant hole in Kabale should be in a square shape which square is 2 ft by 2 ft length and width, it should also be 2 ft deep.

As you dig this hole you should separate the top soil from the sub soil because of fire covering the babana sucker you have to begin with the top soil first. We are actually not going to use the sub soil anywhere, you have to make sure that your hole is at least 2 ft deep you can even make it even 3 ft deep depending on your how hard do you sell your profile is but not more than the 3 ft . But due to Kabale being a hilly area it is advisable to just dig 2 ft deep. 

 It is advisable to use a measuring stick which is already 2 ft long for you to continue measuring the depth and wedth of the whole. 

You have to make sure that the entire hole is 2 ft deep most Farmers make a mistake and make the middle part deeper under the sides shallow, it causes the banana plant to have difficulty in root penetration into the soil. 

  Here in Kabale a planting hole should be created in 1 to 2 weeks before planting the banana there, this gives the hole time to settle and if you are to add manure you added today at this time during those weeks for it to mix well with the soil there.

  Even in these two weeks you might be still looking for banana suckers because if you have like one acre of land you need around 500 bananas.

We are going to continue in the next article on how to place banana plant in its hole very well and the amount of manure one should add right here in this article

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