

Types of manure best for banana plantations in Kabale

Due to the most of the soils of Kabale being infertile already it is advisable to apply manure to ur  banana plantation. 
In this article I'm going to share with you the different types of manure best for banana plantations in Kabale.

          Kitchen waste manure
This type of manure contains different things like potato peelings of cuts of ingredients like onion and tomatoes.
This manure is very good and it can be poured around a banana stool. Kitchen waste manure doesn't contain pests that may  attack the banana plant and its surkers.
Get the kitchen manure being applicable around on the banana stool, you have to make sure that you don't cover the young suckers which can already be seen.
Most people make a mistake of boring a lot of manure (kitchen waste) on the banana stool  and cover the young suckers. This leads skipping of a season hence a low yields.
Kitchen waste manure is very good for a banana plantation if we used.

              Farm yard manure
This type of manure is composed of decomposed things like peelings, crops, off cuts of trees. Farm yard manure is also best for banana growing in Kabale but did you do to this type of manure containing the decomposite organic matter, it should be applied like 9 cm away from the banana plant because if applied close to the banana it causes infections to the banana plant due to fact that pests are using the manure as a hiding place or even reproduction of the pests takes place in the manure.
 This type of manure is usually wet like and so it is heavy so it should not be applied close to the banana for this other reason.
If applied close to the banana it will block the developing young suckers let may be still under the soil.

               Artificial fertilizers
Artificial fertilizers are also best for banana plantations in Kigezi region. These fertilizers are expensive but they surely work very well if applied in their required amounts.

You have the note that different types of soils require different types of manure for example soils in Kabale hills a different so they require different types of manure.

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